Driving While Impaired (DWI)
Driving While Impaired (DWI) cases are among the most politicized in our system. This political pressure threatens the foundational premise of “innocent until proven guilty.” The punishments can be harsh and life changing.
what we do
Driving While Impaired (DWI)
A first time Driving While Impaired (DWI) offender, if convicted, faces 60 days in jail, loss of license for a year, fines, court costs, and community service (you pay $250 to do at least three days of free work). A person who has had prior drunk driving charges faces up to two years in prison. This is the law in North Carolina, not just Harnett County, and applies whether you got your ticket in the Dunn, Erwin, Angier, Lillington, Coats, or Spring Lake areas.
Call our office 910-897-2105 if you have received a DWI charge. We will sit down with you for a free consultation. No attorney can promise results—in fact, you should not hire anyone who makes such a promise. We can promise to bring our best to your case. We have extensive training and experience in this area of the law. We defend these cases vigorously because we know how much is at stake for you and your family.
Our attorneys understand what is like to be on the government side. As prosecutors they tried hundreds of DWI cases for the government. They now put that education and experience to work protecting your rights.

Court Proceedings
Court proceedings take time. It is rare that a DWI charge is handled on the first appearance. We respect your time and we will coordinate your appearances to avoid any unnecessary days spent in district court.